The last day of school, there was a Christmas program at school. Tom wouldn't tell me much about it, but his teacher had sent home a note to parents asking them to please allow the children to dress in a manner they felt was appropriate... Tom requested a sheet! So off to school he went with his sheet. The kindergarten admirably performed a song about baby Jesus who was played by Tom wrapped in his sheet. The shepherds came and brought him a lamb (as in the picture below).
The Sunday before Christmas the Sunday school classes at church were given the morning service time to perform. Kay is the only one of our children that currently attends French Sunday School. Their class had practiced the chorus to "Go Tell it on the Mountain" in English (there are three anglophones in the class) and then the three who knew English sang one of the verses together. The church members got a big kick out of hearing the 7-9 year old class singing in English. They were a very enthusiastic audience! Ereina, Bright and Kay all sang with lots of gusto, but somehow the girls ended up with the microphone in the front, you can't even see Bright standing behind them in this picture!
In addition, each member of the class had memorized one verse from the Christmas story in Matthew. The kids all did a great job passing the microphone down the line, each reciting their verse in sequence. The church let out a roar after Ereina and Kay said their verses in French though. They obviously knew that French was not the girls' first language and were very kind in showing their appreciation of the girls' hard work at memorizing their verses. It was a fun morning, each class was so proud at showing their parents verses, songs, and even a play that they had worked so hard to learn.
Grammy is very appreciative and happy to see all the pictures! Great job you all! Love, Grammy