This is the first Christmas since the arrival of Ian's brother and family that we have all been together in Niger for the holidays. As our "family" here in Niger is so large, we decided to keep Christmas eve as our celebration with just our two households. Both Krista and I like traditions, so as this was the first year we have celebrated in Niger together, we decided to try some on for size.
Our first tradition, which I think might be a keeper, was having fondue for supper! Everyone enjoyed the special treat of two kinds of cheese fondue followed by chocolate fondue for desert! Bread, veggies, pretzals, fruit, cake, marshmellows...YUMMY!!!! Fondue is fun anywhere, but here it is extra special as both cheese and chocolate are quite pricy. Both Krista and I have 2 fondue pots, so even though we were a large group, we worked the logistics out quite nicely.
Another tradition we tried on for size is the first annual cousin produced Christmas play. Both Krista and I grew up having family Christmas plays as part of our own traditions, and both of us thought our kids would enjoy this one. I think this was another keeper! Heidi, as the oldest assumed the role of author and producer, which had its rocky moments. She had to learn a bit about compromise in this family of strong opinions, even if they were strong, little opinions! :) Most things got ironed out, Tom was happy to play any four legged creature, Elayna was radient as the angel and keeper of the star, Brynn and Kira with perhaps the most realistic costumes played Mary and Joseph,...they did a great job. I look forward to ensuing years as they develop in both their creativity and compromise skills! :) Here is a picture of the grande finale where they all lined up to sing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."
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