Sunday, March 13, 2011

Turning 9 is a special time!

Kay and Tom were born on the same day, so we were away during the weekend of Kay's birthday for a softball tournament as well. Though it was a fun weekend, poor Kay was sick through the majority of it. Here is Ian taking his turn at bat. His team came in second!We enjoyed cake and ice cream with friends on their actual birthday, but it wasn't until the next weekend that Kay had her party.
She choose a Hawaiian theme. The girls had lots of fun making leis (flower cutouts and straw pieces) and grass skirts (with colored crepe paper) when they first arrived. They looked very fun and festive! (this picture is when they were waiting for Kay to open her presents, as you can tell, the skirts had already been mostly shed...)Next we played some Hawaiian themed party games (I am hoping this is the last party game birthday I have to do, they are not my favorite!) including musical beach towel hula, pass the pineapple, and a beach relay race. We also had hula hoop and limbo competitions. Given my spontaneous and frenzied state during the party games, we didn't take pictures of these! Unfortuately, party games do not go well with grass skirts which shredded all over the yard. At the end of the morning, we had a very colorful and festive looking yard, but not so many grass skirts left! Kay choose a lemon cake with marshmallow flowers on it. The girls had fun with the little drink umbrellas as well. The thing that impressed me most about this party, however, was the girls themselves. Most of these girls have gone through 1st through 3rd grades together. They all are great girls from lovely families, but all of us mothers realized that they all have STRONG personalities and very active tongues. This has been a huge issue of prayer since even before their very first day of school. I remember first grade in particular there were lots of sparks and daily drama on the playground. It was really neat to see how they have each matured in caring for one another and learning how to interact with one another in away that respects their differences. It was a great birthday gift for this Mom to see the way our prayers continue to impact our daughters' lives!

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