Monday, April 11, 2011

Buried with Him in his Death...

Heidi and Kay took a big step this past month! They both chose to obey Jesus' command to be baptized. This identification with Jesus' death and resurrection is especially meaningful around this Easter season. By this they indicated publicly that they were followers of Jesus, something very meaningful here in the country we live. For many believers here a step such as this one is a line in the sand. It could mean alienation from family and their support, especially difficult in a communal culture. Baptism also signifies that the girls would like to make a commitment to follow Jesus closely and continue to grow in their relationship with Him. Pray for our girls as they continue to work out what this looks like in their lives. Pray that they would be sensitive to the Spirit and willing to obey. Pray that they would know strength and joy as they continue to grow in their faith. We are proud of them and the young ladies they are becoming!

The baptism was held in someone's swimming pool. All total there were 11 students baptized.

Pastor Dave, the youth pastor at Sahel Academy led the service.

Many from the community came to watch. We are so thankful for the supportive community here that encourages, loves, and is willing to invest in their lives in so many different ways. Kay's teacher, Miss Miller, prayed for Kay after she was baptized.

Ian prayed for Heidi.

1 comment:

  1. Just posting this comment so that you have to come to your blog and remember that you have one! :) Just kidding...really I'm glad I'm not the only one has been a blogging delinquent!
