For years, Tom, wanting to be like his big sisters, has imagined he has loose teeth, so it was with surprise that a few weeks earlier when he told me his tooth was loose, I found it actually wiggled! He has been delighted to wiggle it and Tom-like, very resistant to any unknown, sudden, might cause discomfort schemes the girls had to help it come out sooner. Ian had just tucked him into bed when we heard a holler come from his room. His tooth had come out! Of course we had to take a picture for Grandma...
The fun part was, the next day, the tooth right next to it came out too! Tom was feeling very rich this week! Heidi also lost one of her molars that day! The tooth fairy has very busy around our house! Here is the two space view...
You would think that after two kids, I would be used to the toothless look, but it still makes me smile. While this last is a bit more bitter sweet, I'm not too sad. Lasts always mean new firsts are around the corner: next we get to see new teeth growing in looking enormous in his still small mouth! It is so fun seeing them grow!
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